Meeting #2 at BBC R&D: shaping object-based broadcasting

BBC Research & Development in Manchester’s Mediacity hosted our second meeting on March 7th and 8th. We had a crammed agenda prepared: tackling with all workpackages of the project, reviewing the state of running tasks, 2.1 reference architecture and... Read more

BBC R&D’s Chris Baume presents object-based broadcasting at EBU PTS

Today, on day two of the annual Production Technology Seminar at the EBU headquarters in Geneva, Chris Baume from consortium member BBC Research & Development introduced a packed session room of leading technologists from EBU members to notions and... Read more

Progress on project web setup

We are making good progress with the setup of the project web. The basic structure is created and content gets filled. This news blog will provide frequent updates on the Orpheus research and dissemination activities. Read more

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