INSPIRE-5Gplus INtelligent Security and PervasIve tRust for 5G and Beyond

The Horizon 2020 project INSPIRE-5Gplus will advance security of 5G and Beyond networks. Grounded in an integrated network management system and relevant frameworks, INSPIRE-5Gplus is entirely devoted to improve security at various dimensions, i.e., overall vision, use cases, architecture, integration to network management, assets, and models. INSPIRE-5Gplus will address key security challenges through vertical applications ranging from autonomous and connected cars to Critical Industry 4.0.

Contact at Eurescom: Uwe Herzog
Project Duration: 01/11/2020  31/10/2022 (Project was extended by: 5 months)
Coordinator: Uwe Herzog from Eurescom GmbH 
Budget: 5,993,380 €
Number of partners: 14
Grant Agreement Number: 871808 (RIA)