Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond – Eurescom message Summer 2020

Eurescom message Summer 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a huge potential for improving management and performance of Beyond 5G networks. In the Summer 2020 issue of Eurescom message, we provide an overview on the current achievements and challenges in the area of Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond in Europe.

The cover theme of the magazine features the following contributions:

Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond – An overview

AI for Beyond 5G – Leveraging AI for novel D-band based services

“AI-enabled services and applications will significantly benefit from 5G” – Interview with Hans Dieter Schotten from DKFI

Cognitive network slice management – The SliceNet approach

In addition, this edition of Eurescom message includes articles on several 5G PPP project webinars, about online meetings from the home office, and more.

The magazine also includes the latest issue of CELTIC News, which is published by EUREKA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT.

Web edition – Eurescom message Summer 2020 (including CELTIC News)

PDF edition – Eurescom message Summer 2020

PDF edition – CELTIC News 1/2020

Successful final review of SliceNet project

5G PPP project SliceNet had a successful final review meeting on 9th July 2020. The Horizon 2020 project has been coordinated by Eurescom and generated results with high impact on network slicing in 5G. The three vertical use cases in the areas of eHealth, Smart Grid and Street Lighting validated the SliceNet solutions.

SliceNet has made substantial achievements in building a framework for network slicing across multiple administrative domains. The framework facilitates the early and smooth adoption of 5G slices for verticals to achieve their demanding use cases, and it manages the quality of experience (QoE) for slice services. The framework can be used by verticals in different sectors.

5G network slicing is considered to be one of the most important innovations in communications within the last ten years. This is due to the role of slicing in maximizing network resource sharing, optimizing flexibility to meet diverging vertical business requirements, and upgrading operational capabilities to offer configurable warranties in quality of service (QoS) and/or quality of experience (QoE). SliceNet followed a layered architectural approach to allow the creation of a modular, extensible and scalable framework.

SliceNet project coordinator Maria Barros Weiss from Eurescom is convinced: “Slicing will open up a significant number of new markets and enable a wide range of innovative use cases.”

Further information

SliceNet website –
Slicenet has been supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement number H2020-ICT-2016-2/761913.

5G for Connected and Automated Mobility – Eurescom message Winter ’19

Mobility is at the centre of many public discussions and technological developments. The rapid growth of transport and traffic, especially in urban areas, has come at the price of pollution, congestion, and accidents. Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) offers now the opportunity to tackle many of these problems.

In the winter 2019 issue of Eurescom message, we provide an overview on the current status of 5G-based CAM development in Europe and present selected CAM-related R&D activities under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.