Summer 2024

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) traces decades back, from an idea conceptualization in the halls of academia to its use in real-world scenarios. In this ever-evolving technological landscape, transformative influence of artificial intelligence across various sectors has a profound and disruptive impact on us. As we make new learnings every day the evolution and revolution of AI seems like an ongoing process, marked by continuous innovation and exploration.

Summer 2022

Extended Reality, short XR, is getting real, moving from hyped prototypes to concrete applications for different vertical markets. With the growing capabilities of networks and cloud solutions, demanding XR applications are getting more and more the conditions they need to fulfil their potential. While many technological challenges still need to be addressed, the huge potential of XR has started to rapidly unfold.

Winter 2021

While 5G networks are still being deployed, work on 6G, the sixth generation of mobile communication technologies, has already begun. In this issue of Eurescom message, we provide a glimpse on what is done in Europe to move towards 6G. We present selected research and innovation projects that are already working on different technological aspects that may later become parts of the 6G standard.

ICT for Smart Sustainable Cities – Eurescom message Winter 2020

Eurescom message Winter 2020

Cities play a key role in the transition to a sustainable economy and society. And information and communication technologies are of key importance for enabling cities to become sustainable. The concept for doing this is called “smart sustainable cities”. In this issue of Eurescom message, we explore what is done in Europe to make cities smart and sustainable. We present selected research and innovation projects that have contributed to implementing the vision of smart sustainable cities.
The cover theme of the magazine features the following contributions:

  • ICT for smart sustainable cities – An overview
  • Lighthouse solutions for urban sustainability – Horizon 2020 project STARDUST
  • Co-creation of smart sustainable cities – The 5G SOLUTIONS project
  • Cities should be part of EU climate policy decisions – Interview with Covenant of Mayors board member Eckart Würzner
  • 5G powered smart lighting in smart cities – SliceNet’s smart city pilot

In addition, this edition of Eurescom message includes articles on events, the risks of spreadsheet errors, and more.
The magazine also includes the latest issue of CELTIC News, which is published by EUREKA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT.

PDF edition – Eurescom message Winter 2020 (including CELTIC News)

Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond – Eurescom message Summer 2020

Eurescom message Summer 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a huge potential for improving management and performance of Beyond 5G networks. In the Summer 2020 issue of Eurescom message, we provide an overview on the current achievements and challenges in the area of Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond in Europe.

The cover theme of the magazine features the following contributions:

Artificial Intelligence for 5G and Beyond – An overview

AI for Beyond 5G – Leveraging AI for novel D-band based services

“AI-enabled services and applications will significantly benefit from 5G” – Interview with Hans Dieter Schotten from DKFI

Cognitive network slice management – The SliceNet approach

In addition, this edition of Eurescom message includes articles on several 5G PPP project webinars, about online meetings from the home office, and more.

The magazine also includes the latest issue of CELTIC News, which is published by EUREKA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT.

Web edition – Eurescom message Summer 2020 (including CELTIC News)

PDF edition – Eurescom message Summer 2020

PDF edition – CELTIC News 1/2020

Summer 2021

5G has further increased the importance of cybersecurity. While network security has already been of high importance, the new usage scenarios enabled by 5G have dramatically increased the stakes. Just think of automated driving and IoT applications in factories, and it becomes clear that network security has become not only a central topic for the ICT domain, but for economy and society as a whole.
In this issue of Eurescom message, we explore what is done in Europe to advance security and trust in 5G and beyond. We present selected research and innovation projects that have contributed to novel solutions for making 5G and future 6G networks more secure.

Winter 2020

Cities play a key role in the transition to a sustainable economy and society. And information and communication technologies are of key importance for enabling cities to become sustainable. The concept for doing this is called “smart sustainable cities”. In this issue of Eurescom message, we explore what is done in Europe to make cities smart and sustainable. We present selected research and innovation projects that have contributed to implementing the vision of smart sustainable cities.