Net!Works eMobility Networld

eMobility Networld

eMobility Networld – Society is becoming confident that it can address the Grand Challenges of the 21st century: It can address global warming by taking decisive action, can invent and deploy innovative transport systems to reduce traffic problems and will be able to solve the issues associated with the ageing population. Smart applications enabled by advanced communication networks will be a centrepiece of many solutions offering the hope of a better world. Communication networks have catalysed tremendous economic development in the emerging countries of the world – advanced, ubiquitous communication networks will now also spark a new wave of innovation and employment in the developed world – the Future Internet. The eMobility NetWorld project will establish a dialogue, building on the successful Net!Works (formerly eMobility) Platform, to identify the research needed on Future Internet issues to enable it to support smart applications needed by society. Connecting and communicating the value of the prioritised research topics to the needs of society is what the eMobility NetWorld project is all about.

Technology related priorities will be captured in the Strategic Research Agenda. The key messages regarding the value of the proposed research to society will be identified and then professionally packaged as multi-media presentations. The messages will be addressed to key decision makers in Europe and in the international arena in both industry and politics through conferences, specific workshops and meetings, via an interactive web site and through the annual Future Networks & Mobile Summit, which is sponsored by the project. The result will be a broad consensus on priorities, resulting in coordination of research activities and increased awareness of the priorities by key decision makers. eMobility NetWorld will be undertaken by a consortium of experienced industry and academic participants with an effort of 62 person-months.

Project Flyer

Contact at Eurescom: 
Project Duration: 01/07/2010  31/07/2012
Coordinator:  from  
Number of partners: 
Grant Agreement Number: