NM2 - New Millennium, New Media

NM2 – New Millennium, New Media

NM2, New Media for a New Millennium, was an Integrated Project under the European 6th Framework Programme in the thematic priority of Information Society Technology. The main goal of the interdisciplinary project was to create new production tools for the media industry. These tools enable the easy production in technically standardised formats of non-linear, personalised media genres based on sound and moving images suitable for transmission over broadband networks. Viewers are able to interact directly with the medium and influence what they see and hear according to their personal tastes and wishes.

The project which united leading creative and technology experts from across Europe to address a great opportunity for businesses and consumers: how to develop compelling new media forms which take advantage of the unique characteristics of broadband networks.

Project Flyer

Project Duration: 01/09/2004  31/08/2007
Coordinator:  from  
Number of partners: 
Grant Agreement Number: IST-2003-004124