TRESCIMO Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine to Machine Communication

TRESCIMO – Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine to Machine Communication (STREP)

The TRESCIMO project (Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine-to-Machine Communication) addresses the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) work programme topic Future Internet Research and Experimentation. Smarter and greener cities are essential to address economic, social, and environmental challenges due to the increase in urbanization, requiring informed decisions based on Internet of Things generated data. A particular challenge is the unstable power supply of cities in underdeveloped countries (e.g. South Africa), thus requiring smart energy management. Future handling of grid overload in South Africa involve demand-response mechanisms, installing small devices at the end-user, communicating over different network technologies to a central controller, allowing loads to be measured and limited if necessary. Further challenges are the deployment of affordable smart sensors  as well as gathering information from nodes with limited power. Our approach to address the issues involved is to interweave a sophisticated Smart City platform and an ETSI/oneM2M compliant Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication framework (OpenMTC) as well as a delay tolerant Smart Platform with the M2M framework. We emphasize secure identification and authentication of sensors and users as well as policy-based store and forward functionality.

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