ALIPRO – Supporting the ALIgnment of IS research PROgrammes on mobile communications in the new member states

ALIPRO is an EU research project under Framework Programme 6 which aims at supporting the alignment of the new member states’ national and regional research programmes with European IST research in the area of mobile technologies, applications, and services.

The project will accelerate the creation, improvement, and alignment of mobility-related national and regional activities and programmes in the new member states (NMS) and accession candidate countries (ACC), strengthening their integration on European level. ALIPRO will achieve this goal through benchmarking, vision-building and roadmapping as well as dissemination of the results to the relevant stakeholders in the NMS and ACC.


BReATH – Broadband e-Services and Access for the Home Promoting broadband across Europe

BReATH is a Specific Support Action project (number: FP6-IST-3-015893-SSA) funded by the European Commission 6th Framework Programme under the Information Society Technologies thematic area. This area is intended to stimulate the development in Europe of both hardware and software technologies and applications at the heart of the creation of the information society in order to increase the competitiveness of European industry and allow European citizens the possibility of benefiting fully from the development of the knowledge-based society.

The main objective of BReATH is to stimulate and support the transfer of know-how and best practices in planning and delivering broadband e-services and access to the EU New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries, involving as many stakeholders and actors as possible and fostering cross-border research collaboration.


DAIDALOS – Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services (IP)

Daidalos is an Integrated Project under EU Framework Programme 6 which will design, develop and validate a blueprint B3G Framework. It supports secure, personalized and pervasive services built on heterogeneous network and service infrastructures for the mobile user and will contribute to standards and industry fora.

Daidalos II is the second phase of the Integrated Project Daidalos.The project addresses the fact that mobility has become a central aspect of our lives in business, education, and leisure. It deals with rapid technological and societal changes with proliferating technologies and services that have resulted in complex and confusing communications environments for users and network operators. By rethinking fundamental technology and business issues, Daidalos targets usable and manageable communication infrastructures for the future. The goal is a seamless, pervasive access to content and services via heterogeneous networks that supports user preferences and context. The project will use a user-centred, scenario-based and operator-driven approach to effectively cover user and business needs.

Project Flyer


ePerSpace – Towards the era of personal services at home and everywhere

ePerSpace is an Integrated Project under EU 6th Framework Programme dedicated to the development of integrated, personalised communication services in the home area. The acronym stands for ‘Towards the era of personal services at home and everywhere’. The main objective of the ePerSpace project is to significantly increase the user acceptance of networked audiovisual systems and applications at home and virtually anywhere by developing innovative interoperable value-added networked services. From an industrial perspective, ePerSpace aims at creating a mass-market adoption of such advanced services thanks to this significantly increased user acceptance. 19 partners from industry and academia are involved in the project.


MOCCA – The MObile Cooperation and Coordination Action

MOCCA is a european coordination action from the IST 6th framework that aims at facilitating the collaboration between projects addressing mobile and wireless issues, within the European Research Area (ERA), between projects in the ERA and research programmes in Asia and the US, and between researchers and projects in the ERA and their counterparts in the developing regions of the world. MOCCA intends to address this collaboration in the context of the research and development of future mobile and wireless systems, including the services and applications they serve.

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NEMi – Networked and Electronic Media initiative

NEMi is a Specific Support Action under EU Framework Programme 6 in the IST Priority which supports the Networked and Electronic Media (NEM) Initiative. NEM is one of the European Industrial Initiatives, also known as Technology Platforms, established by relevant key European stakeholders, which address the convergence of media, communications, consumer electronics, and IT as a wide opportunity for future growth, by taking advantage of generalized broadband access, increased mobility, availability of richer media formats and contents, as well as new home networks and communications platforms.

Project Flyer


NM2 – New Millennium, New Media

NM2, New Media for a New Millennium, was an Integrated Project under the European 6th Framework Programme in the thematic priority of Information Society Technology. The main goal of the interdisciplinary project was to create new production tools for the media industry. These tools enable the easy production in technically standardised formats of non-linear, personalised media genres based on sound and moving images suitable for transmission over broadband networks. Viewers are able to interact directly with the medium and influence what they see and hear according to their personal tastes and wishes.

The project which united leading creative and technology experts from across Europe to address a great opportunity for businesses and consumers: how to develop compelling new media forms which take advantage of the unique characteristics of broadband networks.

Project Flyer


SOCQUIT – Social Capital, Quality of Life and Information Society Technologies: Evidence-based dynamic modelling support for the IST Priority (SSA)

SOCQUIT was a Specific Support Action (SSA) under Framework Programme 6 with a duration of 24 months, running from December 2003 to November 2005. The consortium partners were TNO (co-ordinator), Telenor, University of Essex, Eurescom, and FTR.

SOCQUIT provides support for policy, research and industry giving indications of the effects of new IST services on social capital and quality of life, and initiates expert networks and activities forming the basis for a range of future RTD activities in this subject area.

Project Flyer


UbiSec&Sens- Ubiquitous Sensing and Security in the European Homeland

UbiSec&Sens is a Specific Target Research Project (STReP) in the thematic priority ‘Towards a global dependability and security framework’ of the EU Framework Programme 6 for Research and Development. 8 partners from industry and academia are involved in the project. The project started in January 2006 and has a duration of 3 years.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)s are a exciting development with very large potential to have a significant beneficial impact on every aspect of our lives while generating huge opportunities for European industry. What is needed to kick off the development and exploitation of WSNs is an architecture for medium and large scale wireless sensor networks integrating comprehensive security capabilities right form the concept stage. This would support the rapid development of sensor networks and would open up the application domain for commercial activities.

UbiSec&Sens intends to solve this by providing a comprehensive architecture for medium and large scale wireless sensor networks with the full level of security that will make them trusted and secure for all applications. In addition UbiSec&Sens will provide a complete tool box of security aware components which, together with the UbiSec&Sens radically new design cycle for secure sensor networks, will enable the rapid development of trusted sensor network applications.

The UbiSec&Sens approach is to use three representative WSN scenarios to iteratively determine solutions for the key WSN issues of scalability, security, reliability, self-healing and robustness. This will also give a clearer understanding of the real-world WSN requirements and limitations as well as identifying how to achieve a successful rollout of WSNs.


Project Flyer


WINNER – Wireless World Initiative New Radio (IP)

WINNER is an Integrated Project under EU Framework Programme 6 in the IST Priority whose objective is to make mobile communication systems more adaptable to user needs. WINNER – Wireless World Initiative New Radio – is a consortium of 41 partners co-ordinated by Siemens working towards enhancing the performance of mobile communication systems. The improvements of radio transmission to be explored by WINNER are crucial for enabling new mobile services and applications anytime and anywhere.

Project Poster